CJ Lomas Recovery Foundation
501 (c)(3) 36-4729463
CJ Lomas Recovery Foundation
501 (c)(3) 36-4729463

October 8, 2019
Dear CJ Lomas Recovery Foundation,
On August 24th, 2019, The Pass It On Club hosted its 8th annual Golf Fundraiser, a huge success thanks to your generous donation. With your philanthropy, The Pass It On Club raised in excess of last years funds which will support the club in continuing to host over 48 recovery support meetings each and every week. Over 70 golfers participated in the event, enjoying a beautiful day of golf, food and festivities.
It's thanks to donors such as you that our fundraiser exceeded our expectations and we hope you will join us again in supporting Milwaukee's recovery community in 2020,
With gratefulness and sincerity,
The PIOC Golf Committee
August 20, 2019
Charlie & Patti,
Please accept our small but heartfelt donation to your most worthy cause. We could not make the golf outing - dinner this year. "J" fell off the roof at our home in the Northwoods, ended up with 9 broken ribs, small puncture to his liver, ambulance ride, trauma unit for a week, 2 weeks in rehab. I don't think he will try to clean gutters on any ladder again!. Our Grandson "K" has been in Milwaukee House of Correction since April 24th. He is facing charges in Milwaukee, Waukesha and Racine. My heart is heavy but grateful he is alive. So we start on another road of rehab and pray he will make it this time. I have no idea how long he will be in jail, but I will work with him to have a plan in place when he is released. Love never fails.
Keep up your hard and much appreciated work and know how grateful we are for your guidance.
"G" & "J"
July 17, 2019
Patti & Charlie,
Thank you for all that you do to help the addiction community! I don't know what my family would do without you! Please accept our donation this year with love and gratitude. Go do what you do best and help as many as you can!
The "F" Family
June 5, 2019
Charlie & Patti,
It is always an honor to help you and your foundation. You do a great job in helping to save lives.
God Bless You!
Mike C.
December 2, 2018
Charlie & Patti,
Thank you so much for your continued generosity. I'm not sure how we would have made it through this past year without your guidance and support. You are both amazing.
Thank You,
July 18, 2018
Hi Patti,
It was so nice talking with you last week. Unfortunately, my husband will not be back in town to golf in our outing. Please accept this as our donation.
I hope to someday have a sober living home established as successful as your foundation is for CJ. I know how heartbreaking it is to lose a son, mine passed away when he was a baby. God's plan for us Patti, is to be the light and I hope my recovery provides women the desire to live again.
If you do't mind, when I am closer to opening my sober living home, I would like to "pick your brain" for any guidance you would be willing to share.
January 21, 2019
On behalf of the South Milwaukee Unite Against Drug Abuse Coalition, The South Milwaukee Health Department would like to thank you for your participation in the 3rd Annual Information and Resource Fair and Podcast. Your contribution to this event helped to make it a success. We look forward to a contained partnership in this important work
Jackie, Mary, Mariann, Deborah
South Milwaukee Health Department
March 29, 2016
Patti & Charlie,
You continually help others by sharing your story of CJ's struggles and your experiences, providing us with strength and hope.
We all thank you for speaking at our meeting.
Nar-anon of Oak Creek
March 16, 2016
Dear Patti,
Just a note to say thank you so very much for participating in the Medical Society Opioid video. It was truly an honor having you share you story about CJ. We hope the video, now on our website, will help make a positive impact for other individuals and families in our community. I'm inspired by your courage and willingness to help others, especially at such a difficult time. Please know that we are here for you, and look forward to supporting your Foundation in any way that we can.
Best regards,
March 3, 2016
"I just wanted to let you know what is happening with us. I know we were only at one of your meetings, but it was a help and encouragement. Our son came over to the house two Sundays ago and said he wanted to go into rehab. Because of the mental health issues and on the advice of friends who are professionals in the field, he checked into detox and dual diagnosis evaluation. This Friday he will be headed to a residential dual diagnosis program. We are guardedly hopeful. He is cooperative and seems intent on getting the help he needs.
We want to thank your group for the support and encouragement. Just knowing you guys are there, that we can turn to you all for help is a huge factor in our ability to help our son, to not feel overwhelmed and paralyzed in the process.
Thank you, we wish you all well."
January 7, 2016
"I used to think I was ALONE, and that NO ONE cared about my FEELINGS. I always tried to figure out what I did to cause my child to go the other direction in life. But since I found SUPPORT, with people who really care, now I realize, I'm not ALONE with this problem and it can happen to any race of life.
While my child is battling with this disease, it really takes a toll on me and my families life also. Sometimes I get so focused on my daughter with her addictions and whether she is doing okay out there. I fail to focus on the other three people in my life, who I love dearly.
I THANK GOD everyday that I found your group for SUPPORT. By rising together, I now know that I'm not ALONE. It takes special people to help someone who is in need of a friend and their sanity, to make it through difficult times in their lives."
Thank you always,
December 2015
Thank you so much for your time, support and bravery. It was great to hear your story and I know it impacted those in the room and those who heard through the media.
It has also been great to get to know you and call you friend. I look forward to working with you as we address the problem.
Thanks for keeping up the fight!
November 12, 2015
Hello Patti,
I’m sure you’re being bombarded with emails, texts, calls after your Fox 6 news segment, and that’s a good thing because it means you got the message out.
You did a great job in the amount of time you had to bring awareness, it definitely brought up for me some things that I know I should not have done, like pay parking ticket, etc. But mostly the message was very clear with the empty seats with names of the individuals we have lost, very very profound and thank you for bringing this to the viewers’ attention. It definitely hit hard as it should have.
Again you did a great job and you look great on TV. LOL
October 24, 2015
Hi Patti,
I meet you at the ---- picnic my name is J**** and I was fresh off of a relapse. I just wanted to thank you for telling me about you sons struggle with heroin. Every time since then if I think of using I remember your story.
I have been sober now for 30 days and I have a sponsor am working the steps and I get to a meeting every other day. I still live in ---- sober living house and I have the vivitrol shot.
My life is still a challenge like my relationship with my ex wife and finances but I know I don't have to use again no matter what. I have hope moving forward with my life. Our talk that day had a lot to do with my sobriety today thank you.
If I can ever help out your foundation in any way please feel free to contact me anytime.
Thank you
Hi J****,
First of all, congratulations on your 30 days of sobriety! I am so happy for you! It must feel amazing to have some clarity, hope and the support you need to deal with the challenges life throws at us on a daily basis.
This is one of the best emails I have ever received! Thank you so much for sharing your success with me. It is nice to know, even though CJ is no longer with us, his struggles and life experiences, continue to help others. I am humbled that our conversation has helped in your journey.
Please let me know if I can ever do anything and thank you for your offer to help with the foundation! When and if you ever feel up to it, I would love for you to tell your story to our Family and Friends support group. Hope is what they yearn for and your a prime example of that!
Please stay in touch and keep up the GREAT work! You can not imagine how much this email means to me!
God Bless!
"Keep Smiling"
November 14, 2014
"To: CJ Lomas Recovery Foundation,
Thank you for creating a foundation devoted to treatment and recovery. There are not enough resources devoted to treatment options in Wisconsin. Education and prosecution are important but more important is providing HOPE in recovery by providing long term treatment options.
I have written to several government and other organizations about creating something in this area modeled after an organization called Trosa. It is located in Durham and provides a comprehensive long term recovery option that includes housing, job training and counseling to learn to live again after addiction. I don't know if this model is a perfect fit for our area but I know that many addicts have no transportation to get to the daily NA/AA meetings they need. They also have limited job skills or difficult holding jobs due to the need to keep counseling and psychiatric appointments, etc.
I am saddened every time I hear of another life loss to addiction but encouraged by foundations such as yours that translate that pain into something of beauty and hope for others. Thank you!!
July 5, 2014
"Dear Patti & Charlie,
We will not be able to attend the golf outing, but wanted to send some support. We know it will be a great success!
I'm awestruck on Tuesdays: seeing the burdens these fine people carry due to their family members addiction.
Your acts of charity: welcoming into your home these burdened strangers, listening, advising and consoling, is truly inspiring. Then these strangers leave as your friends, knowing others share their burden and care for their welfare.
Patti and Charlie you make the world a better place.
May God Bless You,
Rick and Mary"
July 10, 2015
"Hi Patti & Buddy,
Just wanted to help in your fundraising to save a life - it isn't much, BUT, you kids are doing alot, so in CJ's memory, keep up your good work!!
July 15, 2014
"Charlie, I am not a golfer, but accept my donation to your foundation. You do good work and I hope you will have continued success with helping folks in need.